What's included?
Your ebook, so you know exactly how to follow the program and progress
Technical analysis videos, so you can follow along at your own pace
Your 4 week training plan with exact sets and reps, so you aren't left to untangle
your training by yourself, and know exactly what to do next.
How often will I be training?
Four times per week of 60 - 90 minutes.
What equipment do I need?
A pullup bar
Thick, medium and thin pullup bands
A dip belt with weights
Rings or a low bar/smith machine/squat rack
A barbell if you chose the follow the supplied leg workouts
I'm a beginner, is Acquire: Muscle Up suitable for me?
It's best to comfortably be able to perform at least 5 strict pullups and 5 strict dips
to get the most enjoyment and best results from Acquire: Muscle Up
How do I access the program?
You will receive an email after completing payment with a download link.
You only have to download one file, and all the resources are linked inside
the document, so you can easily access them from one place.